March 25, 2012

111 - Webb Porter

This week we've got a podcast extravaganza for you! We teamed up with Brad and John from our favorite Alcatraz podcast, Podcatraz, to chat it up about Webb Porter. Check out Podcatraz's site HERE.

Download the episode in MP3 format here: 111 Webb Porter mp3

Listen to the podcast first and then check out the bonus photos below. Don't forget that if you have questions or theories you can email them to us at

Pic Jorge took on set of Shostakovich. He thinks he looks like Jason Butler Harner as Tiller. 

Jason Butler Harner likes to call this pic "the album cover".

Pic of the mess hall from Michael Esslinger.

Another pic from Michael of the tagged uniforms that the prisoners wore. 

Thanks for listening!


  1. Hi, just listening to this episode and realised you are talking about my Ding ! poster :-)

    I designed it and Jo Garfein got them printed and took them to Wonder con to present to Jonny Coyne.

    I'm @Zort70 on twitter if you want to get in touch.
